What Are Unique Challenges You’ve Faced When Data Cleaning?


    What Are Unique Challenges You’ve Faced When Data Cleaning?

    Data cleaning is a critical step in the analytics process, presenting unique challenges that even seasoned professionals like a CEO have had to navigate, such as standardizing formats from multiple sources. Alongside expert insights, we've gathered additional answers that highlight the diverse hurdles encountered in this task. From the meticulous handling of missing values to maintaining continuous data cleaning processes, discover how these challenges are met head-on.

    • Standardize Formats from Multiple Sources
    • Remove Bad Data from Training Sets
    • Handle Missing Values Thoughtfully
    • Transform Raw Text for Machine Analysis
    • Discern Outliers with Domain Expertise
    • Balance Privacy with Detailed Analysis
    • Maintain Continuous Data Cleaning Processes

    Standardize Formats from Multiple Sources

    A unique challenge I faced when cleaning data was dealing with inconsistent data formats from multiple sources. We were integrating data from various platforms, each using different formats for dates, currency, and even naming conventions. This inconsistency made it difficult to analyze the data accurately, as errors and discrepancies would arise during processing.

    To overcome this, I first standardized the data by creating a set of rules that defined the correct format for each data type. I then used data-cleaning tools like Python’s Pandas library to apply these rules across the entire dataset, converting all entries into a uniform format. For example, I converted all date formats to a single standard (YYYY-MM-DD) and ensured currency values were in the same denomination.

    I also implemented automated scripts to identify and flag any outliers or anomalies that didn't conform to the established rules. This process allowed us to catch errors early and make corrections before the data was used for analysis. By standardizing the data formats and automating the cleaning process, we were able to achieve a high level of data accuracy, which significantly improved the quality of our insights and decision-making.

    Aviad Faruz
    Aviad FaruzCEO, FARUZO

    Remove Bad Data from Training Sets

    All Machine Learning (ML) and AI algorithms need data input into special-purpose calculations to build a model of the data. This dataset is called the training dataset. If bad data is included in that training set, then the model will be 'misaligned.' Extracting those bad data points is critical to the best effectiveness of the model. Generally, every time a model is trained, a data cleansing operation is performed.

    A specific example that I've encountered deals with data output from sensors and measured by analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. Since these sensors convert a physical parameter to an electrical signal, the measurements can be corrupted, mainly by two sources: electrical noise and calibration drift. The process of cleaning these measurements differs for both sources.

    For noise, outlier detection is the preferential method for locating and removing glitches and spikes due to noise. Outlier detection is made challenging when the parameter being measured changes over time. For example, measuring the pressure in a manifold feeding fuel to a turbine will increase or decrease depending on the required power output. A rolling median or other block filtering method is usually sufficient, but there are many more sophisticated outlier detection methods to be used, all of which invoke some expectations about what the data should look like. A tried-and-true method is Kalman Filtering. Many others have been developed which are best used for specific situations.

    Calibration drift is very tricky to detect because it is usually slow relative to the physics-driven changes in the parameter being measured. However, situations that have repetitions or known behavior in that parameter can be used to detect drift. For example, knowing that the measurements of each of a sequence of parts should be the same, because the CNC machine that cut or drilled the parts has its own built-in validation methods, will enable detection of the drift over time. Or, there may be a sequence of data points in a cycle that are expected to be 'zero,' so drift can be detected. If drift is detected, the next step is to decide if it is significant. And, if so, you can remove all subsequent data until the sensor is recalibrated. This approach means less training data for your model, but at least it's clean.

    James Campbell
    James CampbellSenior Consultant, Viewpoint Systems, Inc.

    Handle Missing Values Thoughtfully

    One of the first hurdles data scientists face in data cleaning is the management of incomplete information. Handling missing values is a delicate process where the chosen method can greatly influence the final results. Imputation, deletion, or using algorithms that can handle missingness must be done thoughtfully to ensure the overall dataset's integrity isn't compromised.

    It's vital to benchmark various techniques to find the one that works best for the specific scenario at hand. Take the next step and examine the strategies for dealing with missing information in your datasets carefully.

    Transform Raw Text for Machine Analysis

    Another common challenge is transforming raw text into a format that machines can understand and analyze, such as a spreadsheet or a database. Text data often comes from diverse sources and can be riddled with inconsistencies that range from different terminology to varying formats. The data scientist must employ robust natural language processing tools to parse and standardize this data without losing its subtleties.

    Deciphering this text to extract meaningful insights is a complex task that requires both linguistic knowledge and technical skills. Engage with current natural language processing methods to better structure your text data.

    Discern Outliers with Domain Expertise

    Outliers can significantly skew data analysis, leading to misleading conclusions if not addressed properly. Detecting these anomalies can be perplexing, especially without a clear understanding of what is considered 'normal' within the dataset's context. It requires critical examination and often, domain expertise to discern between a true outlier and a valuable deviation representative of an important trend or pattern.

    Data scientists must balance identifying outliers with preserving the integrity of the underlying data. Investigate your datasets for potential outliers and apply subject-matter expertise to interpret them effectively.

    Balance Privacy with Detailed Analysis

    Striking the right balance between maintaining individuals' privacy and achieving the level of detail necessary for thorough analysis is an ever-present challenge in data cleaning. Regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA impose strict guidelines on how personal data must be handled, forcing data scientists to anonymize data in a way that still allows for meaningful analysis.

    This often involves creating data masks or synthetic data substitutes, all while ensuring that the data remains useful for its intended purpose. Analyze and comply with data privacy standards to uphold ethical practices in your data analysis.

    Maintain Continuous Data Cleaning Processes

    In our increasingly connected world, the influx of real-time data presents a unique data cleaning challenge: it requires continuous and automated processes to ensure quality and usefulness. Data that is constantly streaming in can't simply be cleaned once; it necessitates systems that are capable of ongoing cleaning to prevent the accumulation of errors or irrelevant information.

    Building pipelines that can handle these demands without manual intervention is critical for data scientists working with live data feeds. Assess your real-time data systems and implement processes that maintain their cleanliness around the clock.