How Do You Address Data Model Results that Contradict Expert Opinions?


    How Do You Address Data Model Results that Contradict Expert Opinions?

    When the cold logic of data models clashes with the warm intuition of expert opinion, even CEOs are tested, as two recount the necessity to Revalidate Data and Collaborate with Experts. Alongside these industry leaders, we've gathered additional answers that delve into the complexities of handling such professional paradoxes. From the meticulous fine-tuning of models to align with expertise to the rigorous conduct of peer reviews for objective analysis, discover the multifaceted strategies professionals employ.

    • Revalidate Data and Collaborate with Experts
    • Embrace Transparency and Refine Model
    • Employ Algorithmic Validation Techniques
    • Cross-Check Results with Additional Data
    • Reexamine Underlying Statistics and Assumptions
    • Fine-Tune Models to Align with Expertise
    • Conduct Peer Reviews for Objective Analysis

    Revalidate Data and Collaborate with Experts

    Handling a situation where data-model results contradict expert opinions involves a structured approach. Firstly, I would revalidate the data and the model's assumptions to ensure accuracy and identify any potential errors. This involves checking the data sources, reviewing data-preprocessing steps, and reassessing the model parameters.

    Next, I would engage with the experts to understand their perspectives and any underlying assumptions or domain knowledge that might not be captured by the model. This collaborative approach helps bridge the gap between quantitative results and qualitative insights. It may also reveal areas where the model needs refinement or where additional data could be beneficial.

    Finally, I would present a clear, evidence-based analysis that includes both the model's findings and expert feedback. This transparent communication helps in making informed decisions and potentially adjusting the model or its inputs to better align with practical expectations.

    Shehar Yar
    Shehar YarCEO, Software House

    Embrace Transparency and Refine Model

    In a situation where a data model’s results contradicted expert opinions, the key was approaching it with transparency and collaboration. I recall a project where our machine-learning model flagged certain user behaviors as potential insider threats, but the security team, based on their experience, initially disagreed. They felt that some of the flagged behaviors were routine activities by trusted employees and weren’t indicative of any real risk.

    Instead of dismissing either side, I saw it as an opportunity to dig deeper. We conducted a thorough review of the data inputs, the features the model was prioritizing, and the historical data the experts were using to make their judgments. By walking the team through the model's logic, explaining why specific behaviors triggered alerts, and comparing that with real-world scenarios, we found a middle ground. In fact, it led to valuable insights—while the model was correct in flagging anomalies, it hadn’t fully accounted for certain contextual factors unique to that organization, which the experts provided.

    This collaborative approach allowed us to fine-tune the model to account for those specific patterns while still maintaining its ability to detect true threats. In the end, we built a stronger system that incorporated both the data-driven approach and expert knowledge, improving the model’s accuracy and trust within the team. It also highlighted the importance of continuously refining AI models with real-world feedback to ensure they evolve with changing environments.

    Yasir Ali
    Yasir AliCEO, Polymer

    Employ Algorithmic Validation Techniques

    When data model results seem to clash with the insights of seasoned experts, data scientists can employ algorithmic validation techniques to ensure the integrity of the findings. This process entails reevaluating the algorithms used to see if they are functioning as intended and verifying that they are free from errors. By doing so, they can either confirm the unexpected results or uncover mistakes in the computational processes.

    The validation might reveal unknown variables or biases that were not accounted for, leading to the discrepancies. After completing algorithmic checks, data scientists should encourage their peers to delve into the validated data with an open mind.

    Cross-Check Results with Additional Data

    Data scientists might resolve conflicts between their models and expert opinions by cross-checking the results with alternative sources of data. They seek out additional datasets to understand if the variance is consistent across different samples. This investigation helps determine whether the original findings were an anomaly or if they represent a repeatable truth that challenges established knowledge.

    Inclusivity of diverse data might highlight trends that were previously overlooked. In light of the new evidence, data scientists should invite experts to reassess their positions in relation to the broader data.

    Reexamine Underlying Statistics and Assumptions

    In instances where modeled outcomes conflict with what experts believe, data scientists take a step back to reexamine the underlying statistics and assumptions. They scrutinize the methodology to ascertain that the models are constructed on sound principles and that the assumptions align with the nature of the data. Subtleties in data behavior, like non-linearity or interactions between variables, can sometimes be missed, thus leading to erroneous conclusions.

    Such meticulous review can either reinforce the credibility of the models or prompt necessary modifications. Based on these findings, data scientists should discuss with domain experts to reach a consensus on the interpretation of the data.

    Fine-Tune Models to Align with Expertise

    To address contradictions between data-driven conclusions and expert insights, data scientists have the option to fine-tune the models by adjusting various parameters or inputs. They assess which facets of the model are causing the divergence and experiment with different configurations. Altering the inputs might better capture the complexity of the real-world phenomena that the experts are familiar with.

    This iterative process aims to create a synergy between computational precision and human expertise. Following these adjustments, data scientists are advised to convene with experts to evaluate the updated model output together.

    Conduct Peer Reviews for Objective Analysis

    When faced with inconsistencies between data models and expert opinions, data scientists can pivot towards a collaborative solution of conducting peer reviews. By having other data scientists examine the work, the analysis benefits from fresh perspectives which can identify blind spots or confirm the robustness of the results. Peer reviews operate on the principle of objectivity, mitigating individual biases that might color the interpretation of data.

    This method promotes transparency and trust in the analytical process, ensuring that the conclusions are the product of collective scrutiny. Data scientists should seek out peers to provide constructive feedback and foster an environment of academic rigor.